Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Nightmare

I just really couldn't imagine it. I had the false belief that our nation's leaders were only threatening socialism. I believed that those with the power would point to our great Constitution and decide that the government had no business being involved in its citizens' health care.

And then the day came when I awoke from this dream of our forefathers and was stunned into reality that the health care bill had indeed passed, and that our vice president has as much class as a University on spring break. (But that is a subject for another time.)

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to speak up! We cannot stand idly by and watch our great nation fold because of an administration who would push their own agenda and in effect have a mardi gras like celebration on our forefathers' graves!

In my coming posts I will discuss the health care bill and what it means to those of us in this nation who work hard. In the meantime, google socialism and study it well...because friends...the nightmare has only just begun as we are now on the path to a socialist state.

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