Sunday, September 20, 2009

Really Mr. President? Really?

If you haven't gone to to view the ACORN videos, please do so now. Otherwise this post will make no sense to you.

ACORN, who has received $53 million in funds since 1994 is now under investigation due to some nicely filmed undercover reporting by James O'Keefe. Both the Senate and the House have voted to CUT federal funding to Acorn.

This is a very big story and a very big deal. So what does our President have to say to this? The President who was proud to associate with this organization during his campaign? When interviewed by George Stephanopoulos about this very matter he replies, "frankly, it's not really something I've followed closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money." WOW! And further states, "George, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. It's not something I'm paying a lot of attention to." Really Mr. President? Really? Talk about not having your hand on the pulse of the nation! I guess he is simply too busy trying to spend millions more shoving a medical plan we don't want down our throats! (For the full interview go to

Thanks to James O'Keefe and his investigative reporting we now know Mr. President what a "community organizer"'s a shame the people of this nation didn't research that job description on your resume BEFORE they elected you.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Does he look like a racist or KKK member?

After reading a lot of people's input on the internet about we "racists" and "red-necked hillbilly KKK clansman" that attended the Tea Party in Washington, DC on September 12th, I feel the need to set the record straight. (Which really, all you need to do is look at pictures from the event to see that it was comprised of people of all ages, races, and political affiliations).

I'd like to introduce you to Charles Lollar, one of the key speakers at the march and the single best reason to move to Maryland once he is elected to Congress. Mr. Lollar served in the Marines for 13 years as an officer, has been married to his wife for 16 years and is raising his beautiful children, and is one hell of a speaker! He shared the story of one of his tours overseas. He said that he and his men had secured a city and were doing one last check of the city when they came upon a man and his family standing outside the remains of their recently destroyed home. Officer Lollar and his men offered to secure the area for the man and help him rebuild. In a spirit that was so the America of old, the gentleman said, "I don't need help rebuilding my house, I can do that...I just need you to provide the security so I can do so". Wow! Now isn't that a concept foreign to most of the citizens of the United States...or should I say a concept foreign to our government leaders who believe we need them to rescue us? And that was Mr. Lollar's point. We in this country need to let government know that we don't need them to "take care of us", but to protect, serve and defend the constitution; which is their sworn duty. (I wonder how many of them have even read the constitution.)

I hope that Mr. Lollar not only becomes a congressman, but through that experience might one day make a run for the White House. He embodies the spirit of all that is American!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Proud to be an American

After a long drive full of rain and traffic, the 5:00 am alarm came very early. After donning our homemade t-shirts and with Metro passes in hand, our small group of four headed out to the unknown to voice our concerns over big government and excessive spending.

After entering the Metro station and taking the escalator to the platform, we were pleasantly surprised to be joined by two other protesters from St. Louis, Missouri on our journey. Although we didn't know each other before this day, we shared a kinship in the desire for freedom from taxes and getting back to the Constitution. After a few more stops, we saw others board the Metro line dressed in red, white, and blue and carrying signs with various slogans all in support of the cause we too were fighting for.

After arriving to Metro Center, the last stop on our morning train journey, we climbed the stairs to the daylight and found we were joined not by 10 or 20, but by hundreds pouring out onto the streets to voice our desire for freedom.

People poured into Freedom Plaza. Excitement turned to joy and joy to pride and pride to tears. Seeing so many people; (old and young, black and white, republican and democrat), coming together for one keep the United States from becoming a socialist nation...made me more proud to be an American than I believe I ever have. You could see peoples' passion in their signs, the determination on their faces, and the pride they carried in their hearts.

Speakers inspired people not towards change; but rather a return to the moral and spiritual foundations of this great nation. We may not remember their names, but we will always remember the way they stirred the hearts and minds of we the protesters.

And then the word came that we had reached critical capacity at Freedom Plaza and the march would begin early. As we entered the threshold of Pennsylvania Avenue we saw a sea of people leading all the way to the Capitol. People poured in from side streets to join us in the march. For two and a half hours people made their way from Freedom Plaza to the Capitol; a distance of 1.1 mile. There were more speeches, and more songs, but the one thing that resonated with the crowd was pride of country.

We are taught in this country at a very young age to be "color" blind. I must say though that I failed at this today...for I saw colors...and those colors were red, white, and blue.

God bless America!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Did We Over-react?

Today is September 8th and President Obama delivered his speech to the students of the nation. For a quick summary of the speech, here's a link :

If you read the speech, you might think, what was the issue? This was simply a speech to encourage students to reach for their dreams, stay in school and respect their teachers. And that is what officials would like you to believe...that the conservatives over-reacted; as we always do, and they were simply trying to deliver a speech to inspire a generation.

Well folks, you have to know that this was not the original speech. This speech is what came AFTER all the protest. This speech did not include the original planned follow-up activity of students recording what they were going to do to SERVE President Obama. This speech did not have the lesson plan accompaniment that was also originally planned.

So either one of two things happened and I'll let you draw your own conclusion: 1) The conservative voices were heard and the changes were made or 2) This was the perfect opportunity to show that the conservatives go off "half-cocked" and make a big deal about nothing...(which is perfect timing considering the Tea Party draws to a conclusion in Washington DC this Saturday). Points to ponder ladies and gentlemen...points to ponder!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Listening for the Jackboots

I went to sleep last night secure in the fact that I lived in a free, democracy-driven nation that was built on faith, and the desire to be free from evil tyranny and dictatorship. This morning is a different story. Now, before you accuse me of being John the Baptist, alone crying in the wilderness; or a person over dramatizing a threat that is very real; consider what those in Germany might have said months before the Nazis took over.

I had an e-mail regarding President Obama's Diversity Czar, Mark Lloyd. Hm, maybe I should back up a minute. Did you know that President Obama has Czars? Even the name causes one to picture Russia. If you don't believe me, go to and enter the word, "Czar" into the search. Yes, we do have them. Actually I should say that President Obama has them. And he is the only President of the United States to do so. Before I digress into a diatribe on the lack of necessity for Czars, I want to continue on my point of the one in question, Mark Lloyd.

Now, if I came out and said that Mark Lloyd, Diversity Czar was going to silence free speech, you might stand up and take notice. Aha, but our current President is MUCH smarter than that. He's simply going to impose fines to radio stations that produce anti-President sentiment such as Fox news. The fine would be equal to their operating costs for the year. And what happens with these fines? Wait for it...that's will be given to smaller radio stations, ones with pro-President agendas, so that they can produce programming. Yes, you need to re-read that sentence. First of all, what radio station has enough money for their operating costs PLUS a fine equal to that amount? Second, wouldn't it be a great way to 'shut these people up' if they simply closed due to lack of finances? Third, what would the option be for these stations?...either change their programming or close. Fourth, what would we have left if this happened...all pro-Presidental propaganda. Very sneaky, isn't it?

Does it make you think of Nazi Germany and Goebbels? The Nazis first came to power by utilizing propaganda. It began subtly and then built. Do you think the very first day the Nazis came to power they opened their concentration camps and began killing innocent people? No, they started with simple ideas and thoughts and then 'sold' those to their fellow-countrymen. If you don't think it could happen here, talk to someone who lived in Germany during those times; I have...they didn't think it could happen either. Think about the liberties we have in this country and those who fought and are continuing to fight for our freedom. We owe to to them to not be complacent, and to stand up for our rights. This is not an anti-Obama agenda, but rather a Pro-American agenda.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is these subtleties that slip in when we aren't paying attention that shape the future of our country...if we don't stand up now, then we WILL start hearing the jackboots, and just as in Germany, it will be too late.